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All Natural, Wildflower Honey
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Product Info:

Honey Straws

Individual Packaging

Herbal Infusions

Fuel Rod™ Brand

Pinch N Pop

Honey Straws

Honey straws are goodness on the go! Sealed plastic straws filled with delicious honey are
the perfect way to sell and consume a honey treat. A great way to liven up hot beverages,
bagels, muffins - or just to eat right out of the straw.

Each 7-inch plastic straw is filled with honey and then heat sealed at each end. The straws
are easily opened by pinching either end to pop open the seal. The honey can then be
squeezed out of the straw with ones fingers or even eaten directly from the straw. Only Napa
Valley Natural Honey straws can be eaten with confidence directly from the straw. Our proprietry overwrap assures that each straw is always clean, fresh and ready to take anywhere.

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Napa Valley Natural Honey Co.
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